Dear Elizabeth, I reckon you might be concerned about my absence from work for the past whole week. I am very sorry for not notifying you prior to any leave but I was swamped by my domestic problems. My wife fell down the stairs out of nowhere and broke one of her knees. At first, I thought she would recover fast as the doctor hopes, but it did not happen as per our expectations. Moreover, the kid’s schoolwork and other domestic chores kept me engaged for the whole week and I could not even write an application to you. Please accept my apology for this undesirable act of mine. I intend to compensate for the loss as soon as I am back on track. Thank you for putting up with me.
Sir, this is Elizabeth Shawn, your employee from the Finance Department. I have been working at this company for the past two years and I never took as many leaves without any prior notice before. I understand this has been a crazy week given my absence, but my circumstances pushed me for it. My mother-in-law, who lives with us, had a health crisis and she had to undergo an unanticipated surgery at the 11th hour. Dealing with the required amount for her medication and taking care of things overwhelmed us totally. Due to these reasons, I could neither notify you nor come to work. I apologize for the inconvenience and vow to not repeat this again. Thank you!
Dear Mike, this is Boris McDonalds, a project lead at the Sales and Marketing Department. I have had the opportunity to serve this company for the past five years. My work records are clean and evident in my professionalism. Nevertheless, on an unfortunate account, I was absent for one week from 12-12-20XX to 17-20-20XX and unluckily I could not write an application for this. I apologize for this inconvenience from the core of my heart. I had an unexpected health crisis as I suffered from severe bellyaches. As proof, I have attached my doctor’s prescription and the pharmacy invoice. I request you to accept my apology and vow to make it up to you by working overtime at the weekend. Thank you!
Respected Sir, please accept this message as my formal apology for being absent from [DATE] to [DATE] without bringing it to your attention. I had a family emergency that I could not refuse. I should have been prompt in reaching out to you but the position I was in did not allow me. Kindly forgive me for causing this trouble. I will not repeat this again. Thank you!
Dear Mark, I am writing this message to you as a formal plea to accept my apology for being absent from work for one whole week. I was caught with a very severe season flu and my doctor put me on antibiotics. As a side effect of the medication, I mostly slept throughout the day. Neither my body nor my brain was in the right condition to work. Kindly pardon me this time and I promise I will not do it again. Thank you!